Creating custom-made power solutions is the focus of business at Setec. At Setect, we’ve discovered providing solutions for our customers encompasses more than a just presenting a product. We believe manufacturing superior power management solutions comprises a wider and more wholistic process including design, collaboration and dialogue, all which merge to form a unique power product.
We bring solutions through partnerships. Our people listen as customers bring to us their complex problems. During our collaborative interrogations—rehearsed and perfected through our fifty years in operation—we can offer a solution unique to individual needs. The superior power supply product often surpasses our customers’ initial request.
Setec custom-designed power solutions are manufactured to reflect the specific requirements within different industries. We manufacture product solutions for battery management and power supply, medical equipment, and gaming products. We also provide systems solutions through a well-utilised skill base in our people who place high value on research and design to improving our superior power supply products.
Our customised power solutions are manufactured with a strong focus on developing cost-effective products for our customers. All design considerations are incorporated into our product development, including an immersive knowledge of regulatory changes and safety measurements. Setec’s customers often rely on our detailed understanding of the relevant regulatory bodies and worldwide power and electric standards.
If you’re looking for a power supply and management product that is cost-effective, designed and manufactured in Australia, look no further than Setec. We are committed to exceeded initial needs while meeting all the necessary regulatory and safety requirements,